Sunday, November 2, 2014

Professional Photographers Magazine article, Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

Back Cover Copy Samples

Book copy:

Learn to create the ultimate children's portrait experience and images that will be treasured forever.

Acclaimed children's portrait photographer Sandy Puc' leads you through each facet of designing a complete "kid care" system. She starts with tips for creating a professional image and friendly atmosphere that gets clients in the door and excited about making a purchase. Next, Sandy shows you how to begin creating more imaginative portraits--both in the studio and on location. Also included are her signature techniques for working with kids and eliciting the expressions that will melt moms' hearts. A business-savvy professional, Sandy also provides a plan for customer-service excellence with powerful marketing and selling tools that will boost your bottom line. Armed with these techniques you'll be well on your way to success!


  • Designing a kid-friendly studio that also impresses parents and creates a great first impression
  • The importance of a through pre-session consultation with a well-trained staff member
  • Tips for working with kids of all ages--from fussy infants to unenthusiastic teens--and drawing out expressions that will sell
  • Enhancing your income with location portrait sessions
  • Powerful marketing and selling techniques you can use immediately

DVD copy:

Bellies & Babies Marketing DVD

Learn how to build a successful pregnancy and baby program. Complete workflow from consultation to delivery. Let this information set you free to experience success in this market. 

No Shortcuts!

"If I were a work of art" marketing brochure component

This piece was part of a larger campaign, urging high school seniors to participate in the creative planning of their senior portrait. I contributed the pretty words, not the design. 

Photography Studio Fall Newsletter

Fall Newsletter.
Click on the pictures to enlarge them. 

Spring letter from owner:

Novel Writing 101 Postcard

Words and design by Megan.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Professional Photographers Magazine article, Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

Keys to Develop Writer's Voice

Photography Studio newsletter article, Portrait Fundraiser

Abundant Life

Author Issues





Guard your thoughts, choose your words

Photography Studio marketing brochure, senior portrait campaign piece